Communications Plan Outline: Digital Ally Inc.

Staying updated through the unknown.

At Digital Ally Inc, we are committed to providing information to everyone associated with our products and services. From our employees, investors, public services and personal use users of our products, we want to keep everyone informed with information that is useful to their specific needs.

Below is a projected communication plan for Digital Ally Inc.

About the blog posts:

The blog posts created by Digital Ally Inc can be reachable through targeted emails to the people it may concern, along with being posted on the companies website. The Digital Ally social media accounts will also market the blog posts to their followers. The next blog post is directed to potential customers that may be on the fence of digital body and dashboard cameras. The blog post will be created with the intention to sooth the potential customer as not everyone feels safe being monitored or know the benefits it can offer. The potential customers include small business owners and people who have viewed our products and services, but ultimately never bought anything. This blog post will also reassure stakeholders about the products and services within Digital Ally, along with the public’s view on body cameras and dashboard camera usage.

We look forward to providing necessary information as soon as it becomes available and provide the best experience for everyone involved with Digital Ally Inc.